October has been a whirlwind month, and I've been on the road every weekend. I am finally home until Jan, 2011, and am loving it. October was San Diego, Rhinebeck, a wedding in Vermont, and then Stitches East. I just got back nfrom Dayton OH. So let's back up to San Diego.

The North Coast Knitting Guild is a lovely guild with many members. It was nice and warm there, which was a plus, and I stayed with a buddy of mine, Linda Walters, who I met on my Norway/Austria knitting trip many years ago. We had such fun together talking, breathing, and almost eating knitting! She took me to a wonderful quilt shop, but alas, we got there 10 minutes before closing time. I went racing through the shop, loving everything I saw, but unable to make a decision about what to buy in such a short amount of time. Frustration!!
Rhinebeck....what is there to say.......sheep and wool festivals are the best fun around. Even though I taught for 4 days and hardly got a chance to shop, it was heaven just knowing that right outside my classroom there were 100's of vendors with beautiful things that I wanted to purchase. I did get a chance to buy some beautiful alpaca, 2 bowls with rabbits on them, a Golding spindle (love at first sight because I already have one that I love), and some Coopworth roving to spin on it. My students were so much fun, and were such lovely people. For 4 days I was surrounded by people who loved animals and fiber as much as I did.
My friend Donna's daughter had a lovely wedding in Vermont, which we attended. Because we were not going to be home until late at night I asked a friend to come into the house and put the birds in their cages and feed our bunny. The bunny was no problem, and she finally was able to use human wit over bird wit to get the birds into their cages. But we forgot to tell her is that the parrot is an escape artist. When we walked into the house, there he was, sitting on the back of a kitchen chair! He's able to lift up the little door by his food dish and scoot out.
Stitches East.......another fantastic show where I was surrounded by knit-lovers and gorgeous products in the market. To top all of this fun, the very next weekend was a fiber festival in Massachusetts. We stopped at the booth of Knitting Out Loud, and here is a picture of us.

Here is a picture of me and my favorite fiber-producing animals at the New England Fiber Festival.
I just got back from the Dayton Knitting Guild. What a great time I had with these guild members. Every single one had a fabulous sense of humor, and it seems like we probably laughed more than we knit. We had potluck lunches for both days of classes, but the greatest thing this guild did was break out a box of chocolates every day when people seemed to be fading. After a delicious chocolate (or 2!), we were all ready to get back to work. The guild sent me home with a 1.5 lb box of these chocolates. Oh my!!! I miss all of them already.
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