Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Long Time....Finally Home

Monday, September 27, 2010
The Sock Blank
This title strikes me as sort of funny, as socks are anything but BLANK!! But for those of you who are new to this, a sock blank is a machine-knit piece of fabric about 12" wide and about 18" long. It is knit using two strands of sock yarn. You can dye this blank in any way you like, then ravel it out and knit with it. Some people suggest knitting straight from the blank and doing 2 socks at the same time. I know that the crinkles in the yarn would drive me nuts, so I raveled it out while it was still wet from dyeing and let it dry on my skein winder.
The first step is to soak the blank in water for at least 1 hour, but I always just loose track of the time, and I sometimes remember it the next day. Not to worry; it's always fine. I decided I wanted the socks to come out with lightning zigzags, so experimented with dyeing vertical stripes up the blank. Here is a picture of it partially painted with the stripes. and then raveled and drying on the skein winder.

When the yarn was knit up, alas, I did not get lightning zigzags, but I did love the the look of it.

Tomorrow is another day, another experiment. Today was busy doing secretarial work; I had to book a plane ticket and submit proposals to various places. I did get some time to work on my double knitting. I am teaching a class on this at Stitches East in Hartford Oct 28-31. It is a fascinating topic and very fun to do.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
self-striping sock yarn
Here's the finished sock. There are diagonal ribs on the cuff, which are hard to see because the bright stripes sort of obscure them.

Stay tuned for my experiment with dyeing a sock blank.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Coventry Farmer's Market
These guys refused to look at me!
Can you imagine this sock display?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wool in Broadway

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Home Sweet Home?

This is the architecture of a typical Cotswold town. Most of the buildings were built out of the local limestone, which has turned a honey-color as it aged.

Saturday, July 31, 2010
The beautiful Cotswolds...words cannot describe the beauty of this part of England. From the lush rolling hills to the grazing sheep in the meadows, to the pristine little villages and country cottages built of honey-colored stone, the Cotswolds are your quintessential England. Today was a visit to Anne Hathaway's cottage, a beautifully kept 15th century cottage with gardens beyond compare. There I succumbed to a counted-cross stitch picture of the cottage. Thankfully, it is very small, so it's possible I will finish it in my lifetime. Last night we saw a production of Julius Caesar by the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon. Again, no words for this. It was a highlight of the trip. Here are few pictures of Anne's cottage:
A few days ago we did a 10 mile hike from Bourton-on-the-Water through the Upper and Lower Slaughters; through hill and dale, meadows of sheep and cows, to a well deserved pub lunch 1/2 way through. Could I walk the next day? Barely. Was it worth it? Yes.
Ducking into 15th century buildings for a spot of tea and a sweet treat, or just strolling the side streets and marveling over the beauty of the old houses, this has been a trip filled with a million gorgeous sights.
We are now at our last B and B. The view from our bedroom is that of a rolling meadow with grazing sheep. Ditto for the view from the john in the bathroom.

Today I fulfilled my dream of sitting in an English country garden sipping tea and working on my English needlepoint. Why does tea taste so much better when served to you in a garden filled with roses? Why do the English have such gorgeous gardens, and all I can grow is stones? The weather.....cool, never too hot, and apparently just the right amount of rain. True, it does rain almost every day, but so far, we have not encountered torrential downpours...just light drizzle or showers. The sky can clear as fast as it can cloud up and rain.
Tomorrow we are visiting Hidcote gardens, maybe another beautiful little village, maybe we will have a grand tea in the afternoon...who knows. On Monday we drive back to Southampton where we will catch the QM2 to steam home, having the much deserved rest from too much sight-seeing!!
Cheers to all!!
We are waiting to disembark from the Queen Mary 2 after 6 days at sea. Yesterday, the last day, was the only day we saw the sun. The rest of the trip was shrouded in fog and 95% humidity. Nevertheless, it was great fun. This was our schedule, give or take a few particulars.
9:00 AM: Wake up, go down for breakfast and be served in the grandest style possible. Order anything you want. I went for the fresh fruit and yogurt, Ken ate everything!
10:30 AM: Go to gym and workout for 1 hour on the exercise bike, do yoga, stretching and weight lifting for ½ an hour, walk around the promenade deck for one hour.
Back to the room to shower, then down to the buffet for lunch. Platters and platters of all kinds of fresh fruit, salads, cheeses, 3 or 4 hot buffets, lots and lots of desserts. Each day was a different specialty, set up in the middle. One day was sushi, one day was a chocolate buffet, etc.
After lunch there could be a movie in the planetarium, or a concert by the string quartet, or deck sitting and knitting. Deck sitting can easily turn into a nap.
3:30 PM: Tea in the Queen’s room. You sit down at a little table covered with white linen and beautifully set with fine china. Waiters come around with little sandwiches, scones and pastries, and tea or coffee. They even had gluten free cakes and scones for me.
4:30 PM: Back to the deck to sit, knit/read.
6:00 PM: Go for a swim and then sit in the hot tub.
7:30 PM Dress for dinner

8:30 PM: Dinner in the dining room. There were 4 formal nights, so Ken was in his tuxedo, and I was in my long dress. Three days into the voyage the long dress got too tight to wear. It was abandoned for a looser style. We had a table by a window in the dining room, so we were able to watch the ocean as we ate, and the last night we saw a glorious sunset over the water.
10:30 PM: Dancing in the Queen’s Room or in the disco. While I hated the music in the disco, it felt fabulous to be able to move around fast to displace all the food from dinner!!
12:00 or later, as we had to turn the clocks ahead 1 hour each day, sleep.
The ship is beautiful, the food is wonderful and abundant, and the relaxation that comes with all of this is well worth the price. For a few days one can forget about world strife and all the problems of everyday life. There is a library on board, and last summer I checked out Wally Lamb’s novel, The Hour I First Believed. I got to chapter 16. This time I checked it out, read considerably further, and hope to check it out on the return trip and finally finish it. Did I knit? YOU BET…in between the naps on the deck. I had started a cotton lace top before we left, and just finished it this morning before breakfast. I am now working on a second linen skirt; also have some socks going.
There even was a meeting every day at 2 PM for people who do needlework. I went once, and saw what everyone was working on. One woman was doing bobbin lace, which was totally incredible; another was doing counted cross stitch, another doing needlepoint. There was a few sock knitters, a sweet teenage girl doing knitting, and assorted other knitters. Who woulda thunk….
Once we disembark we are getting the rental car and heading up into the Cotswalds. Do I miss home? A little bit. More later when I can finally connect to the internet. The prices onboard the ship to connect are ridiculous.
One last thing…I was in a shop onboard and saw the most beautiful crocheted bolero. I bought it. But of course intend to make one exactly like it when I get home.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Oh no!!
Strick-ly Socks, page 54, Happy Feet Basketweave SocksBasketweave pattern for round 14 should read: (P1,K1)3x, p1, P7 ( instead of K7 as written), (p1, k1)3x, p1.
I think it is pretty minor, and the person who drew it to my attention was able to see exactly what was wrong and do it the correct way. There are blocks of ridges in between blocks of ribbing. To make the ridges when working in the round, every other round needs to be purled.
Now that I know I am going away on vacation, I somehow have gotten a whole new burst of creativity. This is lethal; I want to bring all my new projects along to work on, but I know that I won't have room in the luggage, and that I probably won't be able to spend as much time on them as I want. There will be sightseeing to do, driving on the wrong side of the road (I have to sit shotgun while Ken drives, reminding him every few miles to keep left!). Yes, we are going to England; Cotswalds, to be specific. I will try to post pictures from our B and B's, and write about what we are doing. The almost best part of the trip will be taking the Queen Mary 2 transatlantic both ways. Deck 7 is the Promenade deck, and I love to sit on a deck chair and knit, but mostly I get lured away from it by watching the ocean. It's constantly changing colors, and it never ceases to amaze me. Spending 6 days on this ship is like stepping off of the real world. For a few glorious days, all the troubles of earthly life disappear. It's just me, Ken, the ocean, and doing whatever we want whenever we want.
So what about my burst of creativity? I finished my linen skirt and absolutely love it--want to start another one; have started a cotton lace top to wear over a tank top, have several new shawls in my head that I want to start (next book is Strick-ly Shawls), and of course socks.England is filled with beautiful needlepoint, so I have no doubts that I will come home with some.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The new Video at YouTube
Let me know what you think of my Hollywood debut!!
Friday, July 9, 2010
TKGA in Manchester, New Hampshire
Last night I signed books at the Elegant Ewe booth, but had a chance for a quick run through the market. My most favorite "needle people" were there, Tom and Linda Diak, with their gorgeous hand-crafted needles. They are from Grafton, Vermont. Tom makes the needles and Linda makes gorgeo

Here's a picture of the smooth and fabulous needles, size 0, of course, for socks.
Here's a link to their website
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Judy Pascale doesn't knit socks, but..........
Candace’s newest book Strick-ly Socks utilizes an unconventional technique that makes me (not usually a sock knitter) eager to try knitting some. As her frequent teaching and traveling companion, I have had the opportunity to watch her develop each fascinating step to her technique---from toe to heel so to speak.
The great thing about socks is they come in pairs so you’re sure to have double the fun.
Judy Pascale
Judy and I did a knitting cruise to Bermuda in May, 2009. It was great fun. Here's a picture of Judy sampling different flavors of rum cake!

Saturday, July 3, 2010
The perks of my job

You can see the other beautiful yarns at her website kimberba@kimberbaldwindesigns.com
She is a chemist, and really knows how to dye!!
One more thing...I met a woman who makes incredible knitting bags, and her name is Barb Parsons. I asked her if she could make a bag specifically for sock knitters who use double pointed needles. Now this is SPECIFIC! I always am loosing my point protectors, and if I don't use them, the next time I pull the sock out of the bag, parts of the stitches are always off the needles. She came up with an brilliant velcro tab system inside the bag. You insert your needle ends into the space, press the tabs down, and your needles stay put. Here is a picture of the beautiful bag she sent me. These bags are only $40, and the workmanship is incredible. You can contact her at bg@parsonsEtc.com
I know I said before "one more thing", but there is one more thing. I have 1/2 ton of yarn (literally) in my basement, which is for my business Merging Colors. This does not stop me from buying yarn. At Columbus I scored 3 skeins of 100% cashmere for a mere $18 per skein. I love yarn; I love to buy it, I love to touch it, I love to knit with it!!
Let me know if you are interested in other unique yarns that I come across in my travels. I really do like to promote the small, sole owner companies, using their yarn in my books and patterns. They work so hard to make all this gorgeous yarn for us.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Strick-ly Shawls
I have gotten side-tracked a bit because of the call for class proposals. I came up with a few new classes that I am very excited about. One is called 3-D Scrappy Chic. It's fun, easy, and totally liberating. There are NO rules. And you can use up all kinds of leftover yarn. There are a few other classes that I came up with, but am still working out the details.
I just went to Facebook and decided to join. I got sort of tired doing it, then thought about the task of having to go there everyday and checking my mail, responding, etc. Then I got more tired thinking about it and closed the tabs. I know, I know...everyone says I HAVE to get on Facebook. Maybe another day when I am more awake!!
Thanks for reading, and thanks for the lovely comments about the sock book.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I started the new skirt
Stay cool everyone!
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Studio in Kansas City
Cindy Craig, the manager of the store, was a lovely hostess, as was Alie, the owner, who's daughter, Emma, I had in a class at Stitches years ago when she was about 5 years old. It was mind-boggling to see Emma again, as she is taller than I am. I am very excited to start knitting Cindy's new skirt pattern, Flouncy Skirt, with some Louet linen that I have been saving for the perfect project. I think this it!
Isn't it a great feeling when you finally find that special pattern that you have been searching for? This is a basic stockinette stitch skirt but has a beautiful lace border at the bottom. Sometimes I just want to do miles of stockinette stitch, and when I am done with the miles, I have this wonderful lace bit to keep me happy.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
apparent Ravelry breach of etiquette
So......I decided, based on what I had seen, to post a few messages at various sock groups announcing the arrival of my new book. Apparently, I worded one of them in such a way that a few members thought I was trying to self-promote my new book. All of us self-promote in some way, but for me, I assumed that people are interested when a new book comes out, and I meant my post to be merely informational.
Whenever the topic of my books come up, 9 times out of 10 someone will ask me about them. I don't think they are doing it to be merely polite; I think they geniunely want to know about them. I know that I am always interested in a new knitting book, and I seek out descriptions of it, where to buy it, etc.
All of this has gotten me quite stressed out. Those of you that have had me as a teacher know that I am just a pushover for kids and animals, and I really don't have a mean or bad bone in my body. I sometimes think that email, computer posts, etc can be so misunderstood, because you don't have the person's facial expressions to help you figure out what they really mean. People often just misinterpret the real meaning, over-analyze it, or read into it far too much.
I will try to post while on the road, but unless there is free wi-fi, I am much too cheap to pay, so will post when I get home.
I'm here

I have finally done it. I created a blog. So many people have asked me in the past if I have a blog, and my first thought is, "why would anyone want to know what is going on with me?" But I guess some people do. Most of what I write about will be knitting.
The first thing I want to announce is that my new book, Strick-ly Socks is finally here. Yarn shops can get it from Unicorn, Up North Fiber Arts Supply, and Wool and Wicker from Canada, and I will have it up on my website, http://www.strickwear.com/ very shortly. The new book is all about a new method of knitting the toes and heels flat. It sounds impossible, but there are no seams. I am going to put up a video soon on You Tube showing some of the techniques. I am teaching the class this weekend at The Studio in Kansas City, so if anyone is from that area and wants to sign up, please go to their website to get more information.
This is my first post, so I am a bit overwhelmed about what to say.